Sunday, April 12, 2009

Happy Easter

What a great day! Our church service this morning had a dynamic spirit I'm not sure I've ever experienced in my ministry. The preaching was simple, but passionate. God filled my heart with a message a couple of months ago that overwhelmed me. I felt God gave me this message for Easter. Great crowd, incredible worship, & praying many lives are changed as a result.

We had a church Easter Bash on Saturday for the children which was a good success. Cade looked sweet in his Easter duds. We took his pics yesterday because of the weather today. I will post some pics, but check out Erin's blog to see more.

I hope you all had a great weekend celebrating our risen Savior Jesus Christ. May God give you victory over whatever circumstances you're facing in your life as a result of His overwhelming power over death.

1 comment:

The Bryant's said...

Chris, Cade is so cute. I am glad I saw your FB post about your blog. I have one too, ... I will add yours to blogs I like:) God has surely blessed your life!~Amanda Teer Bryant