Today has been one of the most emotional & important days in recent American history. All of us have been focused on who the next president would be. Some are worried while others are celebrating the outcome. I personally have spent time in prayer regarding the election & the current condition of our country. I've come to realize the great privilege we have as Americans to vote. We have the blessing of having a voice in the leadership of our country. Please don't ever forget to thank God for the freedom we have.
As Christians we must continue to pray for our country & do our part to heal America. There is no doubt in my mind God is in control regardless of what we might think & perceive.
Our God is bigger than any President, political election, or form of government.As Christians I believe we have a great responsibility in order to help heal our country:
Pray. Pray for America. Pray for our President. Pray for our government officials. The most important thing to pray for is their souls. Ask God to reveal himself to them & bring them to salvation through Jesus Christ. None of these individuals can heal our country, only Jesus Christ can.
Live by example. If Christians want to make a difference then we need to live in a way that earns the respect & admiration of those around us. No one will listen to us & become like us if we don't rise above & set a high standard.
Pray. I'm reminded daily of the increased need for prayer. Prayer makes a difference.
I know this isn't all that profound, but I'm burdened for us as Christians focused on complaining & looking in all the wrong places for hope & security. May we stand together asking God to bless America.